Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Numbering Systems

 What is number System?

A number system defines a set of values used to represent quantity. Quantifying values and items in relation to each other is helpful for us to make sense of our environment. 

The Decimal Number System 

•The primary number system used is a base ten number system.
Base ten number systems are called decimal number systems. -  ten numerals, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
9735 = (9 * 103 ) + (7 * 102 ) + (3 * 101 ) + (5 * 100 ). 

General Rule of Number Representation

A number with a decimal point is represented by a series of coefficients:
a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 . a -1a -2a -3
a j : the coefficients 
Subscript j : the place value

In decimal (base 10): The coefficients aj are any of the 10 digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 

Sunday, 17 May 2020

ALL Windows KMSAuto Activator

                                                             Instruction Bellow


Friday, 3 April 2020

All-new Kindle - Now with a Built-in Front Light - Black - Includes Special Offers,Amazon Offer

All-new Kindle - Now with a Built-in Front Light - Black - Includes Special Offers

                                       Start Date: Jan 08, 2020 at 04:00 PM PST
                                       End Date: May 30, 2020 at 04:00 PM PDT
                                       Type: Deals & Special Offers
                                       Categories: Electronic Components & Home Audi.

Monday, 24 June 2019

Binary Search

Binary Search

Step1: Start
Step2: Initialize [BEG, END, ITEM, LOC, DATA]
Step3: BEG=LB
             MID= int ((BEG+END)/2) set
Step4: if BEG≤END And
            DATA[MID]≠ITEM then 5& 6 Looping
Step5: if ITEM< DATA [MID] then
          END=MID-1 set
          BEG=MID+1 set
Step6: MID= int ((BEG+END)/2) set
Step7: DATA[MID]=ITEM then
                   LOC=MID set
                   LOC=Null set
Step8: Algorithm End

Search Largest Element (Location & Value) in data Array

Search Largest Element (Location & Value) in data Array
Step1: Start
Step2: Set k =1, LOC =1 & MAX = DATA [1]
Step3: Set K = K+1
Step4: if K>N, then print LOC, MAX and Exit;
Step5: if MAX<DATA[K], then Set
          LOC=K &MAX =DATA[K]
Step6: go to Loop step-3
Step7: End

Smaller Element(Location & Value) in data Array

Smaller Element in data Array

Step1: Start
Step2: Set k =1, LOC =1 & MIN = DATA [1]
Step3: Set K = K+1
Step4: if K>N, then print LOC, MIN and Exit;
Step5: if MIN> DATA[K], then Set
          LOC=K &MIN =DATA[K]
Step6: go to Loop step-3
Step7: End

Traversing a Linked List

                     Traversing a Linked List

Step1: Start
Step2: Set PTR= START
Step3: while PRT=NULL, then Loop step 4 & 5
Step4: Process: INFO[PTR]
Step5: Set PTR = Link[PTR]
Step6: End

Deleting Node from Linked List

                             Deleting Node from Linked List

Step1: Start
Step2: if LOCP = NULL then, set
          START = LINK[START]
          Else, Set LINK[LOCP]: LINK[LOC]
Step4: Return

Inserting node at the begging of linked list

Inserting node at the begging of linked list

Step1: Start
Step2: if AVAIL =NULL then,
                   Print “Overflow”
Step3: Set New = AVAIL & AVAIL = LINK [AVAIL]
Step4: Set info[NEW]=item
Step5: LINK [New]= START
Step6: Set START = NEW
Step7: End

Insertion Sort

Insertion Sort

Step1: Start
Step2: Set A (0)=-----------------∞
Step3: K=2,3…………………N, Loop Step 4 to 6
Step4: Set, Temp= A[K] & PTR=K-1
Step5: while Temp<A[PTR], then Looping- set,
a)    A[PTR+1] = A[PTR]
b)   PTR=PTR-1
Step6: Set A [PTR+1] = Temp
Step7: Return

Saturday, 22 June 2019

Quick Sort

Quick Sort
Step1: Start
Step2: Top=Null
Step3: if N>1 then set, Top=Top+1
                    Lower [1] = 1&Upper [1] =N
Step4: while Top≠ Null, Loop Step 5 & 8
Step5: Set, beg=Lower[Top], end=Upper[Top] &
Step6: call: Quick (A, N, beg, end, Loc )
Step7: if beg<Loc-1 then, Top=Top+1,
                   Lower[Top]= beg & Upper[Top]=Loc-1
Step8: if end>Loc+1 then, Top=Top+1,
                   Lower[Top]=Top+1 & Upper[Top]=end
Step9: End